
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgivng Is For Family

     Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It is Thanksgiving morning and I'm enjoying a little quiet time and coffee before hitting the ground running, cooking and helping my wonderful Mama prepare our Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, it is simple family time with a great meal and much needed time to relax. When our daughter was completing her master's degree at Texas Tech she always  flew in for Thanksgiving and it was extra special.
    This is is going to be a little different for us, because our son is working in Illinois and will not make it home for Thanksgiving. During a family discussion, about Blake not getting to be home for Thanksgiving, my husband made one of his most caring decisions and said he would go and spend Thanksgiving with Blake. So while this now makes us have 2 less at our family table today, and they will both be missed, I know they will enjoy their own special Thanksgiving Day and weekend together.
     Of course being a Mom, and wanting them to eat well, I cooked a turkey breast and several items and sent a car full of food for them to prepare and enjoy together. We are all Dallas Cowboy fans so I know that at 3:30 today those two will be watching the game if possible, as we will too.
     There are so many families, especially military families that have loved ones away for many holidays and I know we take it for granted daily the sacrifice of those and their families. I am thankful for their service and dedication to our country so that we can maintain the freedoms we enjoy.
     So even though we all may not sit down together today, I am so thankful for my family, our love for each other and blessing that we share a passion for the agriculture industry and support each other in all that we do. Happy Thanksgiving to all, we have so much to be thankful for, our health, a warm home, and dear friends and family!

One of my favorite pictures of Tim & Blake! Photo credit to Melissa Beckett, taken at the North American. when both were a little younger!

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