
Saturday, November 5, 2016


     My first presidential election to vote was in 1984 with incumbent President Ronald Reagan and democratic candidate Walter Mondale. For me it was not a difficult decision, our country was strong, Reagan was a positive influence on our country and Americans were positive. If I remember correctly Reagan carried 48 of 50 states in a record election.

     The election of 2016 is far removed from 1984, Americans are much less positive about most things, and our presidential candidates are leading negative campaigns. I believe the country will be happy when the election is over, but we can't sit back and not vote. Now it is so important to vote and make sure we have a voice at all levels of government, in Washington, our state capitals, and on the local level.
      I don't want to make this a political post but more about our responsibility as citizens to vote. We have a great responsibility to ourselves, our children, and grandchildren to vote in all elections. We must be an example to our younger generation and show them the importance of voting.

     It is our responsibility to communicate with our elected officials about our concerns, the impact their decisions and laws have on our life, our businesses, and the agriculture industry. Last weekend I was blessed to attend the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City and watch Billy Zanolini sort the market goats. In his statements at the final drive he reminded the exhibitors to go home and contact their members of congress and tell them about their project animals and the importance of animal agriculture. It was a reminder of  how important it is that we as adults talk with our representatives often about our industry and concerns.
     First we must vote and vote for individuals that have integrity and knowledge of the agriculture industry and a willingness to work with all people involved in agriculture from producers, to feedlot operators, distributors, and retailers. We must have a strong support system in Washington and our state capitals to listen to our concerns and act for the industry when needed.
    We cannot be complacent and act as if our individual votes don't have an impact.  I often think of the following quote by Abraham Lincoln "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."  I am always embarrassed by the low voter turnout in America. We must be more responsible, give our employees time to vote and encourage them to vote, and encourage our friends and neighbors to vote.
      Samuel Adams, known as the Father of the American Revolution made the following statement, "Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country."  I'm afraid our lives have gotten so busy and we have become so self-centered that we forget the importance of our singular vote.
      President Ronald Reagan was often reminding us of our nation's place in this world and how God has and will protect us if we keep Him in our lives and the center of our nation's actions and reactions. He openly spoke of his faith and his convictions and reliance on God in his daily life and presidency. In 1982 President Reagan said, "We can't have it both ways. We can't expect God to protect us in a crisis and just leave Him over there on the shelf in our day-to-day living. I wonder if sometimes He isn't waiting for us to wake up, He isn't maybe running out of patience."  In 1984, one of President Reagan's most quoted statements, "America needs God more than God needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a Nation gone under."

     We as a nation have been so blessed with vast freedoms, all from the vision and actions of our Founding Fathers and the many men and women who have fought and worked for these freedoms to continue. Too often I have heard people say they just don't want to vote for either presidential candidate or they are just so discouraged with the direction of our nation's leadership that voting will not help. What hope do we have if everyone has that opinion and decides not to vote?
     Take the time to study the candidates, and take the time to get to know your state and local candidates. There are many caring, dedicated people willing to serve our communities and our country. We just have to vote to get them into office.


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