
Friday, February 17, 2012

Feature Friday: Star C Farm/Smilin' Goat Ranch

     I'd like to introduce my first Feature Friday post and announce plans to have an article every Friday featuring a breeder, junior exhibitor, or farm family. Being a typical agriculture blogger I too have "many irons in the fire" so hang on as I work to be more disciplined in my writing!

      James and Sarah Coomer and their children, Kristen and Kyle, farm in Temple Hill, Kentucky, located in the southeast region of Barren County. James, along with his father James, Sr., and brother Jeff have raised Simmental cattle for many years as Star C Farm. The beef operation thrives and provides many other breeders with Simmental bulls and heifers. Kristen and Kyle have exhibited their cattle at local, regional, and state levels.
     Our families have been friends since college days and our son introduced Kyle and Kristen to Boer goats at an area livestock show, and they purchased their first four market goats from a local producer the following year in 2007. They have since expanded very successfully and Smilin' Goat Ranch was formed. In 2011, Kyle had several class winners with goats out of their herd at the Kentucky district shows and Junior Livestock Expos. Today they have 31 mature does and 23 yearling does, plus 30 kids and more due in March.

A doe with a very nice set of 5-day old twin does.

Two December kids.

A stout  December kid.

          Kristen and Kyle are members of the Herd Handlers 4-H Club and they participate in many activities such as skillathon, demonstrations, and livestock judging. 4-H is a family activity with James and Sarah volunteering on local and regional levels while helping many children other than their own. Kristen is also a member of the Barren County FFA Chapter.

Kyle with his first  Boer doe at the 2007 Kentucky State Fair. The doe was a class winner in the very competitive commercial  doe classes at the Kentucky district shows.
      The Coomer farming operation is expanding and diversifying with the children continuing to exhibit Simmental cattle, market goats,and beginning in 2010, dairy goats. The dairy goat branch began when Kristen purchased her first Nigerian Dwarf doe. That doe was named Grand Champion Senior Doe at the 2010 Kentucky State Fair open dairy goat show. They have expanded to add Lamancha, Lamancha crosses, and American Saanens. Kristen also had an exciting show at the 2011 Kentucky State Fair open dairy goat show where her Nigerian Dwarf doe was named Best Senior Doe and Best Udder in Show.

Kristen with her Nigerian Dwarf doe, named Best Senior Doe of Show and Best Udder of Show in the 2011 Kentucky State Fair Open Dairy Show. Pictured, left to right, Kyle Coomer, Kristen Coomer, Sara Stewart-Judge.

        The Coomer family offers livestock options with Star C Farm and Smilin' Goat Ranch so be sure to contact them if you're searching for Simmental cattle, Boer goats (especially for market goat shows), or dairy goats. They plan to consign Boer goats to one or two area Spring sales. Call at 270-427-4481 or 270-427-4480 for more information.

All photographs on this post property of Sarah Coomer and published with permission.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article and spot light on a wonderful family farm.
