
Monday, October 31, 2011

KY Agriculture Commissioner

Taking a slight departure from focusing on the livestock industry, I want to highlight Kentucky agriculture, but focus on the leadership, policy, and future of the industry. I want to make it clear that I am not a political person, nor do I intend to use this blog as a voice for my political views, but as a member of the agriculture community it is vital to our industry that everyone vote in the November 8 election, and everyone be informed.

Many residents of Kentucky, including our rural neighbors, do not know the duties of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Kentucky's agriculture commissioner is the leader of the Department of Agriculture which inspects and regulates gas pumps, scales, meters, pesticides, amusement park rides, and animal health. The agriculture commissioner promotes Kentucky products and develops value-added marketing programs for animals, meat, produce, lumber, honey, etc., and promotes the purebred livestock industry and youth development with the division of shows and fairs.

The person elected as the next Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture must have a vast knowledge of Kentucky's agriculture industry, it's roots and backbone, the issues of current producers, and a clear vision of opportunities available to Kentucky. The person must be involved in Kentucky's agriculture industry and have a passion for the future of agriculture with future generations.

Before I end this post I want  to reiterate that I first want everyone to vote on November 8! It is such a shame that a turnout of less than 20% of Kentucky's registered voters is expected on election day! We are blessed to live in the best country in the world and so often take our blessings for granted. How many people have fought and died for our freedom to vote?

Be a voter, but be an informed voter!!! Check out the websites of the two candidates and I believe you will  see there is a clear choice for Kentucky Agriculture Commissioner. James Comer is dedicated to Kentucky's agriculture industry both as a producer and community and state leader. Visit

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Beginning


This is the first post of my new blog, BarnScoop, a place to highlight animal agriculture in Kentucky and the region. A one stop location for all information concerning livestock show and sale dates and reports. I will feature breeders of all species and highlight the junior exhibitors and their efforts and accomplishments, both great and small.

As a fourth generation beef producer, I see the many varied views of people in our own communities and state, and how many don't fully understand the importance of agriculture in our economy or the need to support farmers, our future farmers, and the agriculture industry.

Join me as I celebrate our industry, promote our successful breeders, and introduce our youth and their projects, and include everyday farm life humor, direct from BarnScoop.